Love Doesn't Hurt 5k - 10k

Augusta, GA

The Turn Around Foundation
Augusta, Georgia 30919

Thank You for your Interest in our First Annual Love Doesn’t Hurt 1k, 5k, 10k
event!! For adequate representation, please register no later than Saturday, October 13, 2023!

Sponsorship packages:
Gold Sponsors ($1000.00+): Will be primary named sponsor of the event.
Large banners displaying and logo will always receive first mention and most prominent
display on all event promotional mediums. This includes event advertisements, social
media, packets, and event T-shirts. There are 3 available gold sponsorships.

Silver Sponsors ($500.00-$1000.00) are also named sponsors on T-shirts. These sponsors
will also receive additional advertising at either the water station or kilometer markers
along the course. Advertisement will be included on social media, in event packets, online
ads and email blasts. There are 6 available silver sponsorships.

Bronze Sponsors ($250.00-$500.00) are also named sponsors on T-shirts. These sponsors
will also receive advertisements in event packets. There are unlimited number of bronze

All sponsors will have logos displayed on the "Thank You" banner, including all companies
which donate non-monetary supplies/goods for the event. If your company can donate
food for the runners after the race, appropriate advertising will be displayed on that table.
We also need $25.00 gift cards to reward our winning racers. We are happy to work with
companies with any donation that can help make our 1 mile, 5k, 10k a success.

Payments may be made in various forms:

Online: please visit or
Checks:make pay able to: The Turn Around Foundation, P.O.Box 14361, Augusta, Georgia 30919
Cash App: $Theturnaroundfoundation
Zelle: (706)5180846

Tamika Rouse
Event Coordinator

When & Where

Oct 12, 2024 CANCELLED

Augusta, GA

Mill Trail Head Village


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